Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Saviour is Born

What is not fun about giving and receiving presents!  Not only did we receive cool toys and gifts, but we received a Saviour.  The students know and celebrate His birth and the gracious gift the Father gave to us on that blessed day.

Let's give Thanks

We learn all about the Pilgrims and the role they played in establishing our country.  Dressing up and acting out the roles helps create a better understanding of history and why its important to know what our founding fathers wanted when they sacrificed so much to come to the U.S.

Zoo Boo

October 31 is a great time to go to the zoo.  The weather is cool and we get to wear our costumes!  Kate Delatore came with us this year.  She visits our class from time to time.  We like it when Kate is part of our class.  Super heros were all over the zoo.  It made us all feel very safe!

Learning to Vote

For the election this year the students were able to go to their Aunt Shae's school where she had created a voting box and booths for her students to vote.  The school was kind enough to allow our students to come and participate as well. It was a very educational field trip.  Thank you Aunt Shae for the for opportunity to meet your class and to vote.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Presidential Election

Even four and five year old children can learn and understand the concept of the presidential election process to some degree.  In an effort to put that concept more on their level we attended a play at Main Street Theater.  The title of the play was "Duck for President".  It was very comical and entertaining, possibly more so for the adults who attended.  After the play we stopped at our favorite restaurant, Chick-fil-La.  It was a great day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One Last Swim.

To end the summer we enjoyed one last day of fun-in-the-sun.  We played in the pool and ate pizza.  What can be better than playing in the water hose and running barefoot in the grass?

Recess is our best Subject

Reading, writing and arithmetic is what we do the most, but there is no doubt that recess is the favorite part of the day.  The see-saw always has a waiting line and general run around playing,  Ninja Turtles and other Super Hero games are at the top of the list.  The cooler weather has made the time outside pleasant and enjoyable.  We often take walks around the block which allows them to run and check out bugs and flowers along the sidewalk.  Where does all the energy come from?  If only they could share it.